

The Events & Tourism Institute is a collection of expert collaborators, innovative faculty, and students from the Department of Tourism, Event, and Sport Management at IU Indianapolis as well as external partners from around the globe. Our team brings years of unique work experiences and diverse backgrounds in tourism, event, sport, hospitality, and related fields.


Don’t be fooled by our academic background--we are business-minded at heart. We bring unmatched research, experience, studies, programs and strategies to the workplace, all without the marketing agency price tag. We do charge fees depending on the project and scope but never lose sight of the chance for learning and research opportunities for faculty and students.


Our number-one goal is to be the preeminent resource in events and tourism. We will not only enhance the operations of event and tourism organizations, excellence, and innovations, but do so in a collaborative way where our communities win.


Events & Tourism Institute faculty have always been in front of the trends by continuing to build our reputation around event tourism and destination development with new degrees, research, and studies for our faculty, students, and communities. We further the department expertise in these areas by collaborating with industry-related experts.


The Events & Tourism Institute strives to constantly evolve. One of the areas we focus on is developing new programs or services to better serve our industry. Some notable achievements in this area have been our faculty developing educational tools through projects with Super Bowl 2012, the Indiana State Fair, and the Global Business Travel Association.

We also work with organizations on product development and developing sponsored conferences for business development within our cultural tourism fields. 


With our unique approach, the Events & Tourism Institute has the advantage of being able to leverage a variety of campus resources in a cost-effective manner. We can extend projects, research, and product development opportunities across all school disciplines to provide the most efficient and experienced team for the requirements. For example, our faculty partnered with IU Indianapolis' University Technology Services on the Super Service project to develop the technology behind the educational programming.


Another core competency of Events & Tourism Institute is creating innovative solutions within our field and industries. We are constantly developing partnerships with events and tourism technology companies, routinely engaging them to stay ahead of trends within events and tourism. We also participate in a technology innovation executive seminar where the brightest minds gather to share experiences and network.